Whether you’re an occasional Sunday baker or a cake creator enthusiast, you know that nothing compares to that first bite of freshly baked cake. And then of course, many more sumptuous bites follow.
But, after all that cake-baking and cake-eating, there is always still leftover cake. Or more specifically, cake waiting to be put away. And to have a cake go bad is heartbreaking, to say the least.
So we thought we’d give you a few pro tips on how to store cakes. Easily, correctly and without a fuss. The techniques on how to store cakes have a lot to do with the kind of cake you’re dealing with. Our detailed guide to preserving cakes should help sort out any confusion you may have.
Whether you want to store frosted cake or preserve cake layers for the next big party, we’ve got you covered. All you have to do is store the cake now and relish it later.
How to store cake that’s fresh and defrosted
First of all, let it cool completely. Not on a plate or stand, but a wiring rack. This allows all the heat to escape equally without making the bottom of your cake soggy. So you won’t have to deal with any dampness or peeling when you store cake.
If you’re going to store it in the fridge, we suggest you cover all sides with cling wrap to keep the sponge moist and delicious. Keeping any part of the cake sides uncovered can lead to a drying out of the sponge. Also, if you cake has food colouring or paste in it, we recommend you choose the freezer for it. Colours tend to bleed if stored in the fridge.
Sponge cakes store excellently in the freezer. Just wrap them up tightly in cling wrap and keep them in there for up to 4 months.
When thawing your cake, always do it at room temperature. Gradually, over a couple of hours.
How to store cake that’s topped with dairy or fresh products

Cakes with custard, cream, cream cheese and/or fresh fruit as toppings are a little more delicate when it comes to storing. You need to make sure that they are properly covered and kept at the right temperatures.
If you choose to keep these cakes in the fridge, know that they will last for only 1-2 days. To ensure the frosting isn’t melting or ruined, put a cake cover on your creation. If you don’t have a cake cover, use foil, cling wrap or wax paper instead. To prevent the frosting from sticking to the protective barrier, just insert toothpicks around the edge of the cake and at the centre to support the covering.
If you would like to store frosted cake in the freezer, wrap every slice in cling wrap. Then wrap a second layer of foil around it or pop it into a reusable, sealed plastic bag. This will prevent the other flavours in the freezer from ruining the taste of your stored cake.
Remember to consume this kind of cake at the earliest since dairy-based products don’t have a very long life. But then again, we doubt you need to be reminded about extra cake you’ve stored!
How to store frosted cake: Buttercream or ganache

These cakes are definitely sturdier than the ones topped with dairy-based products. To preserve these cakes, wrap them like any other frosted cake and keep them in the fridge. They will last for up to 4 days.
A ganache or buttercream topped cake also does very well in the freezer. Wrap it, seal it and enjoy it months later. It will be just fine. Cakes that are covered in marzipan or fondant last even better.
How to thaw stored cake
While knowing how to preserve cake is important, it’s equally imperative you know the correct way of thawing it. Otherwise, you may end up ruining the cake and the wait wouldn’t have been worth it at all.
The golden rule? Always, always thaw your cake at room temperature. If it’s been frozen, take it out and let it be for a few hours. Covered, of course.
If it’s been in the fridge, bring it close to room temperature before serving. Unless it has a cream-cheese or equally delicate frosting. Those cakes are best served slightly chilled.
Finally, avoid direct sunlight. No matter how you preserve cake, direct heat and sunlight can spoil it all.
Remember, a cake is a delicate balance of flavours, textures and colours.Every cake needs to be handled gently so that this balance stays undisturbed.
Keep your cake fresh and flavourful. Days, and perhaps even months, after you had them first.